Best Reads of 2015

Best Reads of 2015

Inspired by the Press Democrat slide show of the most checked out library books in 2015, some of our board and staff have agreed to share a compelling book they read in 2015. Beth’s pick The Road to Character by David Brooks My favorite book always tends to be the one...
Beyond Gifts

Beyond Gifts

The Philanthropic Planning Team loves to ask questions that help identify values, life experiences and knit people together. This recent blog post by Leslie Silverman on Philanthropy Northwest has the power to do the same thing. Ms. Silverman, highlights eight...
ABC’s of DAF’s

ABC’s of DAF’s

Community Foundation Sonoma County sat down with Vice President, Philanthropic Planning J Mullineaux to discuss donor advised funds. What is a Donor Advised Fund? A donor advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic vehicle established at a public charity such as the...
Happier Holidays

Happier Holidays

The frenzy of the holidays can detract from the joy and generosity that is the season’s hallmark. Stepping back for perspective just got easier with Lisa Parker’s fun philanthropic guide for families at the holidays, “The Hip Family’s Guide to Happier Holidays”....
Staff Gratitudes

Staff Gratitudes

During the month of November, Community Foundation Sonoma County staff recorded several gratitudes each day as part of an organization-wide exercise. We were instructed to reflect upon our day and jot down two – four people, experiences or things that we were grateful...