In the heart of the picturesque Sonoma Valley, the Wedekind family’s legacy of love, community, and philanthropy continues to blossom. For over a century, the family has been deeply rooted in the region, and their story is one of hard work, dedication, and a...
Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund (Catalyst Fund) and Community Foundation Sonoma County (CFSC) are pleased to announce $500,000 in new funding for vital capital improvement projects for 13 Sonoma Valley-based nonprofit organizations. This initiative aims to support local...
The Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund hosted the annual Sonoma Valley Star Volunteer Awards at the Hanna Boys Center on Sunday, October 9, 2022. Thirty-seven nonprofit organizations honored thirty-nine of Sonoma Valley’s most active and valuable community volunteers during...
The Sonoma Valley Fund was born on a park bench. In 2006, Sonoma über-volunteer Whitney Evans read an article about Healdsburg Forever, one of Community Foundation Sonoma County’s regional affiliates, which builds endowment funds and provides grants to nonprofits in...
At CFSC, as we worked to innovate our grantmaking in light of the coronavirus crisis, we asked a critical question: How could we inspire more people to give? We knew our regional affiliates—Healdsburg Forever and the Sonoma Valley Fund—were already doing incredible...