Expecting their first child, saving for a first home and working as a preschool teacher, all seemed well with a young family until their daughter’s birth had complications. The couple, having no health insurance, used all their savings on medical bills. Then, after...
Every American generation must face defining moments. We are facing one now. The recent killings of people and police officers in communities across the country have stirred feelings of discord and despair, and left Americans wondering how we’ll find a way forward....
“I’m at the end of my rope. Where do I turn?” A mother of four tries to improve herself through college studies while raising her kids with no help from their father. Child Parent Institute’s (CPI’s) in-home parent counseling services provides...
Impact 100 Redwood Circle has awarded its first $100,000 grant to VOICES, an innovative nonprofit that provides youth with the resources they need to make the leap from foster care to successful, independent adulthood. More than 100 members of this nascent women’s...
Internships at Pepperwood Preserve provide valuable opportunities for students to connect to and understand the biodiversity of Sonoma County. Sasha Ruschmeyer’s experience at the preserve created opportunities to collaborate with teachers and mentors who...