The Role of Program Officers

The Role of Program Officers

The Center for Effective Philanthropy recently released a report on the role of program officers at foundations. Our Vice President for Programs, Karin Demarest, reflects on this report and what it means for Community Foundation Sonoma County.  Read her blog post and...

Quarterly Coffee with Karin August 10th

Quarterly Coffee with Karin August 10th

Please join us for coffee and conversation on August 10th with our Vice President for Programs, Karin Demarest. This is an opportunity to meet other community leaders and learn about Community Foundation Sonoma County. Click here for details and to register.

Advisor Seminar Date

Advisor Seminar Date

You don't want to miss our upcoming Professional Advisor Seminar featuring Jeff Hamond, Vice President of Van Scoyoc Associates in Washington DC. Jeff will be speaking about the potential for tax reform in the 115th Congress and how some of the issues under discussion...

Giving Online

Our online Giving Center can make managing your funds at Community Foundation Sonoma County easy and rewarding. All fund holders have access to this great tool. This summer, Community Foundation staff will be reaching out to fund holders who haven’t established a user...

Hot Topics Donor Forums

Hot Topics Donor Forums

Please save the date(s) for our series of Hot Topics Donor Forums. Hot Topics Donor Forums will explore themes and issues that you have expressed an interest in learning more about. Expect a rich conversation and knowledge sharing with thought leaders, Community...

Summer Break!

Summer Break!

In summer, we know you are reading things other than our Greater Good newsletters so the newsletter is taking a summer break for the month of July. Don’t fret, we will be back in August to get you ready for the school year and prepare for Fall. And in case you need...

Welcome Minal!

Welcome Minal!

We here at Community Foundation Sonoma County are very excited to welcome our newest colleague, Minal Patel to our team (and it isn’t just because she brought us cookies on her first day!) Minal is our new Staff Accountant and will work side by side with Controller...

2017 ieSonoma

2017 ieSonoma

The 5th annual ieSonoma: innovate | educate takes place this year on June 12th at Sonoma Country Day School. ieSonoma was founded in 2013 as a partnership between the Sonoma County Office of Education, Sonoma State University, and Sonoma Country Day School for the...

Mapping Resources

Mapping Resources

We are inviting you to attend a mapping session hosted by the Healthcare Foundation and several other funders in our region, including Healdsburg Forever. It is important that we get information about nonprofits that are providing services to the residents of northern...

Leading With Our Values

Leading With Our Values

At Community Foundation Sonoma County, we believe in the power of connecting people, ideas, and resources to benefit all who live here. As an organization that is deeply connected to this place and the people who call it home, we are acutely aware of what makes Sonoma...

Leading With Our Values

Our Values

At Community Foundation Sonoma County, we believe in the power of connecting people, ideas, and resources to benefit all who live here. There’s a small but critical word in that mission statement, one that deserves extra attention—all. As an organization that is...

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