Our online Giving Center can make managing your funds at Community Foundation Sonoma County easy and rewarding. All fund holders have access to this great tool. This summer, Community Foundation staff will be reaching out to fund holders who haven’t established a user...
Please save the date(s) for our series of Hot Topics Donor Forums. Hot Topics Donor Forums will explore themes and issues that you have expressed an interest in learning more about. Expect a rich conversation and knowledge sharing with thought leaders, Community...
In summer, we know you are reading things other than our Greater Good newsletters so the newsletter is taking a summer break for the month of July. Don’t fret, we will be back in August to get you ready for the school year and prepare for Fall. And in case you need...
Mentors change the world. They empower success and support young people through their journey to reach their goals and dreams. They enable growth, connection, experiences and as 10,000 Degrees Sonoma County says, “They believe in their amazing students!” This past...