We recently celebrated making $200 million in grants with our current and former board of directors. This is a milestone that reflects 34-years’ worth of work, commitment, and inspiration. We celebrate this in 2017, but without their tireless work since the inception of the Community Foundation, this would never have happened. We stand on the shoulder of giants.

We are very sincerely grateful.


Dan Condron (1998-2003)

Steve Goldberg (2010-current) and Herb Dwight (2000-2006)


Ted Eliot (2006-2016) and Jean Schulz (1983-1997), ex officio 1998-2001, 2002 – 2005, Director Emeritus (2006- current)


Oscar Chavez (2009 – current) and Francisco Vazquez, Ph.D. (2002-2007)


Barry Weizenberg (2012 – current), Beth Brown, Pete Golis (2007-2017), Rhoann Ponseti (1991-1998), Jean Schulz, and Dan Condron

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